
Java code generation for ATD

Atdj is a program that generates a Java interface from type definitions. In particular, given a set of ATD type definitions, this tool generates a set of Java classes representing those types with built-in JSON serializers and deserializers

The primary benefits of using the generated interface, over manually manipulating JSON strings from within Java, are safety and ease of use. Specifically, the generated interface offers the following features:

  • JSON strings are automatically checked for correctness with respect to the ATD specification.

  • Details such as optional fields and their associated default values are automatically handled

AuthorsMartin Jambon <>, Rudi Grinberg <>, Martin Jambon <>, Martin Jambon <>, Ivan Jager <>, oleksiy <>, David Sheets <>, Rudi Grinberg <>, Martin Jambon <>, Jeff Meister <>, Caio Wakamatsu <>, Carmelo Piccione <>, Daniel Weil <>, Egor Chemokhonenko <>, Gabriel Scherer <>, Raman Varabets <>, tzm <>, Mathieu Baudet <>, Oleksiy Golovko <>, Rauan Mayemir <>, Carmelo Piccione <>, John Billings <>, Louis Roché <>, Brendan Long <>, Chris Yocum <>, Louis Roché (Ahrefs) <>, Louis Roché <>, Pavel Antoshkin <>, Pierre Boutillier <>, Shon Feder <>, Anurag Soni <>, Arjun Ravi Narayan <>, Asya-kawai <>, Christophe Troestler <>, Damien Doligez <>, Daniel M <>, Ding Xiang Fei <>, François Pottier <>, Javier Chavarri <>, Kate <>, Louis <>, Louis Roché <>, Raman Varabets <>, Stephane Legrand <>, Vincent Bernardoff <>, haoyang <>, pmundkur <> and ygrek <>
Issue Tracker
MaintainersLouis Roché <>, Martin Jambon <> and Rudi Grinberg <>
Source [http]
No package is dependent