
Sundials/ML is an interface to the Sundials suite of numerical solvers

Sundials is a collection of five numerical solvers: CVODE, CVODES, IDA, IDAS, and KINSOL. This interface provides access to all features of the underlying library.

The structure of the OCaml interface mostly follows that of the original library, both for ease of reading the existing documentation and for converting existing source code, but several changes have been made for programming convenience and to increase safety, namely:

  • solver sessions are mostly configured via algebraic data types rather than multiple function calls;

  • error conditions are signalled by exceptions not return codes (including in user-supplied callback routines);

  • closures (partial applications of functions) are used to share user data between callback routines;

  • vectors are checked for compatibility with a session (using a combination of static and dynamic checks), and;

  • explicit free commands are not necessary since OCaml is a garbage-collected language.

The OCaml documentation contains extensive cross-links to the original documentation. OCaml versions of the standard examples usually have an overhead of about 50% compared to the original C versions, and almost never more than 100%.

Tags numerical simulation mathematics science
AuthorsTimothy Bourke <>, Jun Inoue <> and Marc Pouzet <>
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Source [http]
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